Read and share extraordinary stories from the frontlines of social change

Impact Fund Fall Grants of $150K Support Impact Litigation for Communities Seeking Justice
As many in our community anticipate the challenges of the months and years ahead, we are grateful that we have impact litigation as a tool to push back against injustice and seek accountability for harmful practices. Our newest grantees are doing amazing work on behalf of incarcerated people, immigrant detainees, agricultural workers, rural communities, and people of color. In our fall grantmaking cycle, we granted $150,000 to support seven impact lawsuits challenging injustice across the country. We are excited to share their inspiring stories.

Impact Fund Grantees Combat Injustice & Score Major Victories in 2023
As we approach the end of 2023, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on our grantees’ incredible accomplishments. This year, Impact Fund grantees achieved meaningful change for a wide range of communities experiencing injustice, including incarcerated people, racial justice protesters, mobile home residents, unhoused people, and more. We were honored to help support these cases, which demonstrate how impact litigation can be an effective tool to hold powerful entities accountable.

Whistleblower Law, Impact Litigation, and the Potential for Social Justice
Whistleblower law remains fairly limited in who it can help—protecting federal employees and employees of federal contractors or grantees. For most cases to qualify as whistleblower cases, the case must include some aspect of fraud and public funding. Therefore, if there happened to be wrongdoing by a company that was privately owned and received no public money or tax incentives, then it would be unlikely that the case could be brought under any of the whistleblower programs.

Achieving Justice for Forced Labor Victims in Saipan
When I first met the plaintiffs, they were terrified of their employers, afraid to complain, and felt utterly disenfranchised. After learning of their legal rights, they protested in the streets of Saipan for their wages and told federal authorities that they would not return to China until they were paid. The mere act of bringing this forced labor case against very powerful, well-connected defendants is itself an act of incredible courage. And the plaintiffs’ willingness to persist with the litigation after returning to China—where they were harassed and threatened to drop or settle their claims—is further testament to their bravery.

Pursuit of Water Protection: Clean Water Access for Communities in the San Joaquin Valley
The Clean Water Project, which spanned our legal, training, and grantmaking programs, focused on bringing communities together to advocate for and gain access to potable water and on funding impact cases that address clean water issues faced by residents of unincorporated communities in the San Joaquin Valley in California. Although we have distributed all the Clean Water Project funds, the Impact Fund remains committed to funding environmental justice cases through our Just Earth program. We will continue to fund cases working to ensure that people’s right to clean water is protected.

Impact Fund Grant Program: COVID-19 Response
To best help grantees and applicants adapt to the evolving legal landscape with COVID-19 related cases, we will; increase availability of rapid response grants, fast track urgent requests and streamline requests for expense type adjustments.