Contact Us
For information regarding the time, date, and location of trainings, please email Fawn Rajbhandari-Korr or call her at (510) 845-3473 ext. 318.
If you would like additional information about our grant program, please email Josh Kay or call him at (510) 845-3473 ext. 325.
If you have a media or press enquiry, please email Teddy Basham-Witherington or call him at (510) 845-3473 ext. 302.
For support with the NoticeAssist software tool, please email Alex Lara or John Henry Frankel.
Please complete the "contact us" form below for general inquiries or call (510) 845-3473 and leave a message that details the reason for your call and the nature of your inquiry.
NOTE: We cannot provide general legal advice through the "contact us" form and submitting it does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Please do not submit confidential or time-sensitive information through this form. While we make every attempt to respond to messages in a timely manner, it can (on occasion) take days, as we have a small, but dedicated, support team.