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Litigating Sex-Based Discrimination in Insurance: Montana on the Front Line
Sex Discrimination, Montana Insurance Rates Teddy Basham-Witherington Sex Discrimination, Montana Insurance Rates Teddy Basham-Witherington

Litigating Sex-Based Discrimination in Insurance: Montana on the Front Line

In 2021, Upper Seven Law challenged the constitutionality of Montana’s unisex insurance rollback. Armed with data and the strength of the Montana Constitution’s equal protection clause, we filed a lawsuit on behalf of a team of individual consumers and women’s advocacy organizations, including the Montana chapters of the American Association of University Women and the National Organization for Women. The case seeks to invalidate the new law for codifying discrimination against women and unmarried people. Trial is scheduled for the spring of 2025.

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Youth Plaintiffs' Suit For Climate Justice Heads To Historic Trial In Montana
Climate Justice, Youth v Gov Teddy Basham-Witherington Climate Justice, Youth v Gov Teddy Basham-Witherington

Youth Plaintiffs' Suit For Climate Justice Heads To Historic Trial In Montana

“Going to trial means a chance for me and my fellow plaintiffs to have our climate injuries recognized and a solution realized. It means our voices are actually being heard by the courts, the government, the people who serve to protect us as citizens and Montana’s youth. Knowing that we have the dates for the first youth constitutional climate case ever, I feel hopeful that finally our government may begin to serve our best interests.”

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