Join us in the fight for social justice
with a monthly donation
“The Impact Fund’s unparalleled leadership and commitment to the pursuit of civil rights, economic and environmental justice is a catalyst for creating a more just and compassionate society.”
When it comes to resources for charitable work, we all know there will be years of plenty and years of scarcity. At the Impact Fund, leaner times mean a reduction in the number of grants and scholarships we are able to make.
Your monthly contribution will allow us to sustain these programs, promising access to justice for those experiencing everything from civil rights abuses, to racial discrimination, to wage theft, to a toxic water supply.
By becoming a member of the Impact Fund Social Justice League, you’ll join a special community of kindred spirits, committed to sustaining Impact Fund services and programs that continue to advance economic, environmental, racial, and social justice.
Consider what your monthly gift can accomplish...
Bronze Level – $3 to $19. A donation of $14 per month will pay the court filing fee in a case challenging abuses in a state’s broken foster care system, or allow fifteen nonprofit lawyers to access our summer webinar series.
Mailed copy of our Annual Report
Special Recognition in our Annual Report and Online
Membership Card (8MB Flash Drive Wafer)
Invite to Annual Donor Appreciation Event
Monthly "Insider" Email
Silver Level – $20 to $34. A donation of $27 per month will pay for a deposition translator - allowing an immigrant worker to provide testimony in her native tongue, or provide two scholarships for nonprofit lawyers to attend our annual Class Action Conference.
All Bronze benefits, plus:
Set of 4 Impact Fund Mug Coasters
Gold Level – $35 to $83. A donation of $50 per month will pay to gather vital scientific evidence of contaminated water on Native American land, or provide a scholarship to train a young lawyer to become a social justice advocate at our Training Institute.
All Silver benefits, plus:
Impact Fund T-Shirt
Platinum Level - $84 or more. A donation of $84 per month will pay to get an advocate out into the field to gather testimony of voter suppression, or pay to underwrite a webinar for 50 law students.
All Gold benefits, plus:
Pair of Complimentary Tickets to our Annual Gala
Take the Next Step: Become an Impact Fund Social Justice League Member!
Yes, sign me up! As a Social Justice League Member we will send you a flash drive wallet card and periodic updates on the cases we’re supporting.
Impact Fund Leadership Circle
Kirk Baert
Poonam Juneja
Andre M. Mura
Amy Oppenheimer