Thank you for joining the fight!

Your support allows us to stand in solidarity with communities that bear the brunt of discrimination. We're helping to provide these communities what they need to have their voices heard on their day in court. You stand on the shoulders of giants and in the front lines of the movement for social justice.

Together, we can make a difference.

Over the next few weeks, look out for our emails to learn more about the cases we've helped to win and how you can take action.

Help us tell the world we won’t stand for discrimination, share our mission on social media!

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More Ways to Get Involved

Make a Donation - Your generosity will directly help those in need. Since the Impact Fund is a non-profit organization, all donations are tax deductible. 

Attend Our Events - Join us for our special events throughout the year, including our annual gala.

Education & Training - Take advantage of the Impact Fund's specialized training options to make an impact on social justice matters.