This one-day conference on December 6, 2018 in Fresno brings together practitioners and experts from a variety of backgrounds to engage in strategic conversations regarding the state of water litigation, with a particular focus on work that can affect communities in California's Central Valley.

About the clean water Forum

This one-day conference on December 6, 2018 in Fresno brings together practitioners and experts from a variety of backgrounds to engage in strategic conversations regarding the state of water litigation, with a particular focus on work that can affect communities in California's Central Valley.

Together, we will explore a range of topics, including recent developments in litigation and policy, the state of water-related science, legal pathways to combat contamination and lack of access to clean water, and the intersection of water justice with other civil rights. We hope the day will offer space to step back together, connect over shared goals, and think critically about the challenges and opportunities ahead. 

For bios of the speakers click here.





10:00-11:00:  Session 1: Recent Developments in Water Advocacy

Topic: Discuss recent developments in litigation, administrative advocacy, and state-wide water policy and outline current challenges.

Moderator: Britton Schwartz, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water


·     Mike Claiborne, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability

·     Helen Kang, Golden Gate University Environmental Law and Justice Clinic

·     Debi Ores, Community Water Center


11:15-12:15:  Session 2: The Science of Water

Topic: Hear the scientific perspective on water quality, including recent research relating to water quality and agricultural practices, and consider how the science of water can inform our legal advocacy.


·     Steve Shimek, Monterey Coastkeeper

·     Scott Fendorf, Stanford University

·     Arden Wells, Stanford University

12:15-1:15:  Lunch

1:15-2:15:  Session 3: Existing & Developing Legal Theories

Topic: Take stock of existing legal arguments, discuss how recent developments demonstrate their strengths and weaknesses, and explore innovative arguments that present opportunities for future cases.

Moderator: Camille Pannu, UC Davis Water Justice Clinic


·     Jason Flanders, Aqua Terra Aeris Law Group

·     Nat Kane, Environmental Law Foundation

·     Ashley Werner, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability

2:15-2:30: Break

2:30-3:30:  Session 4: Intersectionality of Water with Other Civil Rights

Topic: Explore how water justice intersects with other civil rights and presents opportunities for collaboration among environmental justice advocates. Session 4 slide show.

Moderator: Colin Bailey, Environmental Justice Coalition for Water


·     Marisol Aguilar, California Rural Legal Assistance, Inc.

·     Eduardo Ramirez Castro, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation

·     Angelica Salceda, American Civil Liberties Union

3:30-4:30:  Session 5: Allies, Resources, and Next Steps

Topic: All attendees are encouraged to share their commitments, potential resources, and plans for next steps after the Forum.

4:30-4:35Closing Remarks

4:35-5:30:  Reception