Training Institute 2024 COVID Protocol

  • Vaccinations: Attendees must be up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations, including all available booster shots.

  • Testing: Attendees will be asked to test for COVID-19 once on the first morning of the Institute and a second time if they have any symptoms of illness (fever, chills, fatigue, body ache, cough, shortness of breath, etc.). Rapid tests will be provided by the Impact Fund.

  • Location: Impact Fund will provide ventilated meeting rooms for all Institute sessions.  Hand washing facilities and hand sanitizer will be available.

  • Masking: Attendees will be asked to mask on any mass transportation (airport, airplane, bus, train, etc.) used to travel to the Institute. During the Institute, masks are optional.

  • Meals: Breakfast and lunch are included in the Institute.  Impact Fund is unable to provide outdoor dining spaces.  Attendees are welcome to seek outdoor spaces during mealtimes, as long as they return on time for post-break sessions.  The Impact Fund will host one outdoor dinner during the Institute.

  • Quarantine: If any attendee tests positive for COVID-19, they will be expected to quarantine at their home or hotel and will not be admitted to the Institute.  Remote attendance may be permitted at the discretion of the faculty.  Impact Fund is not able to contribute to the cost of extended hotel reservations or any rebooking of travel necessary to accommodate quarantine.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We are excited to see you at the Training Institute!