Browse OUR 2024 Annual Report Below.
We provide broad support for impact litigation
Learn about the types of cases we fund and how to apply for a grant in a new case.
Read more about the cases we are currently working on for social justice and change.
Legal Training
Learn how you can be part of the movement for social justice through impact litigation.
The latest legal victories that further economic, environmental, racial, & social justice.
Review and analysis of breaking developments in class action litigation.
DownLOAD our 2024 Annual Report
Read how we work in solidarity with communities seeking justice!
Providing grants, education, and advocacy!
Advancing economic, environmental, racial, and social justice!
Together, we can fight the sharks!
Meet Our Staff
At our 2024 Gala, left to right, top to bottom:
Lori Rifkin
Alex Lara
Sanjana Manjeshwar
Eliza Gordon
Meredith Dixon
John Henry Frankel
Erin Nunn
Amy Daniewicz
Anna Chau
Teddy Basham-Witherington
Lindsay Nako
Josh Kay
Fawn Jade Rajbhandari-Korr
Not in picture: Ashley LaFranchi, Jordyn Gleaton, Megan Flynn, and Jocelyn Larkin.
At our 2024 Gala, left to right:
Laboni Hoq (Secretary)
Robert Schug (Chair)
Sarah “Poppy” Alexander (Vice Chair)
Dena Sharp
Dara Schur
Felicia Gilbert
Jason Marsili
Not in picture: Tiffany Gourley Carter (Treasurer), Elissa Gershon, Andrew Lee, Mario Moya, Andre Mura, Marco Simons, Christine Sun, and Lawrence Yuan.
NOTE: The information provided by Impact Fund on this website is for general information only. Nothing on this or associated pages, documents, comments, answers, emails, or other communications should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. The information on this website is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship, and receipt or viewing of this information does not create an attorney-client relationship.
It is the day we are all waiting for. Game Day. Mediation. Your firm has spent 1,246.7 hours on the case so far, but everything will happen in these 12 hours. By the end of the day, you are so emotionally exhausted from the mediator pounding on you, and so happy to have the mediator come in with a number that you can tolerate, that you walk out with a pending mediator’s proposal that only says the gross dollar value of the global settlement. Perhaps you leave the mediation with a handshake agreement, but without nailing down the details of the Memorandum of Understanding. Oops. The devil was in those particular details. Everyone who has negotiated a class action settlement has probably had some term he or she forgot to address at mediation, or in the MOU, that returned in drafting the “final” agreement as a big headache and put the deal at risk. I have. I have thought, at many class action mediations, “I wish I had a checklist so I would remember all the key terms.” Here it is...